Many times, in these last years I have felt trapped, unable to escape. Personally, many of those thoughts and feelings make it into my life when I’m too consumed with myself, just looking inwardly.

We are called (and just better off) when we open the eyes to the real, yet untouchable, reality. We live in a fallen world, yet full of the love and mercy of God. Our present and our future is good. Not because we can will it to be so, but because God is with us.

Are you a half-full or a half-empty kind of person? I’m not a total optimist, but definitely tend to see the future bright and full of hope. However, some days it’s just hard. Right now, in the midst of quarantine, sickness, job losses, and many other difficult circumstances, it can be challenging to see a bright future. How are you coping with your circumstances? How do you see your future?

Tulips may be my favorite flowers. They are amazingly beautiful and delicate, yet the bulbs endure the winter in the frozen ground. Every year they grow and surprise me with their resilience. They are also one of the bravest plants in my garden, poking their first leaves from the ground in late February or early March, when the weather is still very unpredictable. Most importantly, when I feel that the winter will never end, they show up, reminding me that spring is around the corner. In short they represent hope for me. Hope for spring; for life; for warm, sunny days ahead; for beauty; for the future. What represents hope for you? Let me know on the comments below or on Instagram