As I explore new forms of photography and art in general, I want to create pieces that are meaningful and in one way or another powerful. At the same time, I want to have fun!

The idea of these series came very early on when I was starting to play in Photoshop about 2 months ago. The idea of having a golden bust of myself is just, well irresistible (I’m sure it’s the same for you!). What would you do if you had a blank canvas? How would you fill it? What new techniques would you like to explore?

So many people have said that I look angry or upset in this picture. Quarantine has been (or may still be) frustrating for many. Isolation and fear-instilling news can put us over the edge, and we end up (at least I do) losing it with the people closer to us, normally (and hopefully) the people that love us the most. If you are in isolation, but are fortunate enough to have someone by you, give him or her a hug. Don’t get too upset!

Do you like to overthink things? Pick apart every word of the conversation you had with that friend or co-worker? Maybe try to find the hidden meaning in your husband’s or wife’s words. Sometimes it is easy to read into someone else’s words. Sometimes we wish that what the other person what trying to say was something completely different than the literal words that came from his or her mouth. Many times we have to consider our words and that of others very carefully but sometimes we just have to let them go. Don’t turn them in our heads over and over. Take them at face value and not overthink them.
Like always, let me know what you think in the comments or on Instagram
Amazing work!!
Thank you!