Our Story

There are a lot of disadvantages to a long-distance relationship. From the time I first took a serious interest in Laura to the time we were married, we only spent about 10 weeks together in person. We spent the rest of that two-year time period on different continents. We never really had a first date, unless Skype counts. We couldn't celebrate birthdays or holidays together. You miss so much of the person when all you experience of them is their words on a page.

From Mere Illusions to Real Magic

We stood in the customs line at Rome's Fiumicino International Airport. A sign said E.U. citizens to the left. Visa holders to the right. Everyone else in the middle. We were in the middle—and longest—line. Ahead of us stood a young Korean American couple. They were chatting with two middle-aged women who were just ahead … Continue reading From Mere Illusions to Real Magic