God looked down, down from high atop the throne
Of all the universe to lowly earth
And caused the upper atmosphere to birth
A gale, and so arrived the storm cloud, blown
Over the plains, to dry sun flowers grown
Up near an aged oak tree whose slender girth
God hollowed out for his dear sparrows’ mirth.
For seed and home his praises they intone.
Sing, sparrows, sing, of God’s good varied grace!
Your unhatched offspring God’s provided for!
In raptured song enliven every face
That walks these fields and glimpses your full store.
And may your sweet, dependent songs replace
Fear’s dread in them with hope forevermore.
Provided For

I love this. For some reason it reminded me of The Creation by James Weldon Johnson. If you have never seen this it is worth reading.
I love that poem! In high school I was a part of a choral reading group that performed that poem at a speech competition. It is a lot of fun to read.