My friend and fellow photographer, Cheri (@deepsoulphotography) has been interviewing photographers that have been an inspiration to her through the years. Somehow she asked me to me part of it.
Quarantine Interviews

My friend and fellow photographer, Cheri (@deepsoulphotography) has been interviewing photographers that have been an inspiration to her through the years. Somehow she asked me to me part of it.
Anthony Forrest shares an experience he had in a land of both peace and war.
Kenny Anton recounts how a single event brought him to both the heights of joy and the depths of sorrow.
We'd like to hear a piece of your story, and we'd like to share it with others who'd like to hear it, too. So we're calling for your submissions.
Happy New Year's Eve from us to you! On this day of both remembering the past year and looking forward to the one to come, here are the seven most popular posts to The Untamed Places in 2018. Enjoy. Number 7 And Then They Killed Lucy April 25, 2018 She was poisoned. That was as clear as … Continue reading 7 Most Popular Posts of 2018
The giant Furby consumed the room at FAO Schwarz, downtown New York City. Grant was petting its hair in between fake karate punches and kicks. His bowl cut and round glasses exaggerated his round cheeks. Too distracted by my new black mesh Nike basketball jersey, I didn’t notice Mom with the disposable camera. The faint … Continue reading Where’s My Sister? (A 9/11 Story)
A medical doctor friend of mine spent a total of four weeks in Bangladesh treating patients in a Rohingya refugee camp. The following is his story, posted here with permission. (Click here for an overview of this refugee crisis.) Late in the day. Last patient. I see a young man with an older man on … Continue reading He Ain’t Heavy