I don't think it's hyperbole to say that "All torturing questions find / Answer beneath those old grey olive trees." The answers that linger there with Jesus in Gethsemane may not be exactly what you would have hoped for, but they are the answers you need.
When His Body Fails
Yet they hurry by, can't stop. / There's pressing business on ahead, / And stuck sticks don't fit in their plans.
I Thought I Knew
"I had no idea of what it'd take to catch those deeper glimpses of your fierce and fiery grace, your glory both blinding and warm, or what it'd cost." But now I know.
Loved Back Into The Light
"It’s the unknown that always undoes me. But it’s the Unseen that holds me together. And that week, the Unseen was at work. I was loved back into the Light" (Deborah Farris).
A Bright Red Poppy
"It was not born out of the sod / But from the very mind of God."
Hold Fast the Rope
She'll make it to the end as long as she holds fast her rope.
The Decree
"And so the fool impelled his burly brawn / Toward wrangling in the sun." You can see where this is going.
The Fountain and the Dying Man
Where do you try to quench your thirst?
At the Door
A hungry beggar looked and asked, "Might he to one so mean impart / Such life and with it hope endow?"
All In
"As hatchlings dread the truth that they must fledge, / So trembled the small boy back from the ledge." But then his father spoke.