"Night descended on the weary wayfarer, and with it came fears of thieves without and shivers from the cold within. Thick clouds hugged the earth and blocked out the moon and stars, and so the man walked down the dusty road beneath his thoughts and the suffocating darkness."
When His Body Fails
Yet they hurry by, can't stop. / There's pressing business on ahead, / And stuck sticks don't fit in their plans.
I Wasn’t Supposed to Know
I hadn't asked to be told. I wish I didn't know. But I do. And I admit it hurts.
Living Parables
Jesus said to his disciples that the secrets of the kingdom of God had been given. And I'm under the very strong impression that Jesus is still in the business of opening eyes to see and ears to hear these very same mysteries.
Hope in Lamentations
If "there may yet be hope" in the midst of the obliteration of God's people—if even then they can return to the King and find not merely pardon but one who will still their hearts, take up their cause, and fight for them—then perhaps there may yet be hope for you and me even now.
This Moment
What I got to sit right in the middle of on a random evening in a random backyard in the middle of Asia.
A Little Perspective on Our Homecoming
For us, going home to our 75-square meter house normally requires that we hold a stiff upper lip, put on our big boy and big girl pants, and take the plunge.... This time, however, we were heading back home with a rather different perspective.
The Wall
Anthony Forrest shares an experience he had in a land of both peace and war.
On the Road in the Land of Mountains and Minibuses
Once upon a time, during a trip in the country of mountains and minibuses....
And Then We Had a Logo
And then we had a logo. And we love how it turned out!