By the time you read this, Laura and I will be somewhere in the middle of a 26 hour plane ride to the other side of this ol' world of ours. Even as we leave so many family members and friends behind, we don't leave without hope, hope so many of you instilled within us, and we're grateful.

How good it was to listen to the doctor's Detailed overview of all that she had done Because she'd started the conversation with "Everything went fine." How good it was to wait that extra 30 minutes While someone sleepy slowly woke up and nurses Did their nursing on the sun who lights my sky. How … Continue reading Together
Into Death Like His

I followed them, the restless, jeering lot, Down dusty, well-worn paths outside our town. Not even clamoring taunts and wails could drown The anguished cries of whip-flailed flesh now shot Clean through with nails. Him? Him whom I had sought For so long, pining for his peace? His crown Did not resemble one due him, … Continue reading Into Death Like His
Onward Pressed

O’er parched and sandy earth where sun has killed All but the most resilient weeds, where spear- Like winds hurl dust and wolves loom nigh and jeer, A flock trails near its shepherd wise and skilled And follows him despite hope unfulfilled. Through mountain passes narrow, rocky, sheer, Where enemies from hidden lairs peer, He … Continue reading Onward Pressed
Provided For

"Sing, sparrows, sing, for God's good varied grace!" We are so well provided for.
Bombs burst, exploding, guns unloading,Whole cities, families crack, implodingWhile life and hope corrode. We gropeIn darkness, begging for a ropeWe might cling to. Send us a wingTo lift us, something, anything,Upon which we might sail. We’re frail,And thick and heavy is the veilThat overlies our cries. Our eyesWeep bitterly and agonizeOver the one who’d turn … Continue reading Wait
Last Christmas
Last Christmas angels parted golden skies With festal shouts of hope, goodwill, and peace. Night shepherds’ little lambs with whitest fleece Pressed in around my son to soothe his cries. Then men from ancient lands who analyze The stars appeared to us to our increase, For gold and fragrances that would release Us from our … Continue reading Last Christmas
To Glory
From desert heat they perish, parched and glum.Bare, blinded, and abused they wander longTo quench their thirst; if only they could numbThe sweltering pain and find their long-sought song. In utter darkness desperate children gropeFor something they can’t even name or dream.Eternity inside demands they hope;In whom or what, though, yet remains unseen. Through blinding … Continue reading To Glory
Moses on the Mountain

Come up, come up, and gaze across the land I’ve conquered for you with my mighty hand. Press to the height of this towering hill And look upon the promise I’ll fulfill Not for you but for them, for I am true And all men liars. Of myriad men, two From the old generation will … Continue reading Moses on the Mountain
The Shipwright and His Boat
A boat floated just off the pier, severe The sight, did not appear to quite cohere To scenes the pier was most accustomed to. Despite its watertight design, a crew That knew their ropes by day, by night, frostbite, Sun’s scorching light that did not one affright, The boat moved not a mote, did not … Continue reading The Shipwright and His Boat