She'll make it to the end as long as she holds fast her rope.
Hold Fast the Rope

She'll make it to the end as long as she holds fast her rope.
"And so the fool impelled his burly brawn / Toward wrangling in the sun." You can see where this is going.
Where do you try to quench your thirst?
We're all looking for something. We found it in a mud-brick house in the slums of a Central Asian capital.
A hungry beggar looked and asked, "Might he to one so mean impart / Such life and with it hope endow?"
We'd like to hear a piece of your story, and we'd like to share it with others who'd like to hear it, too. So we're calling for your submissions.
"We sat in our pajamas on the couch under a blanket and did what you do on Sunday nights. We watched a rerun of Columbo." And something about it made me worship.
How good it was to listen to the doctor's Detailed overview of all that she had done Because she'd started the conversation with "Everything went fine." How good it was to wait that extra 30 minutes While someone sleepy slowly woke up and nurses Did their nursing on the sun who lights my sky. How … Continue reading Together
I followed them, the restless, jeering lot, Down dusty, well-worn paths outside our town. Not even clamoring taunts and wails could drown The anguished cries of whip-flailed flesh now shot Clean through with nails. Him? Him whom I had sought For so long, pining for his peace? His crown Did not resemble one due him, … Continue reading Into Death Like His
Imani knew there was more than the darkness of her mother's womb. There come days, however, that swallow up even the surest hope. Can we reverse the grip of darkness?