"Jairus wanted to push the woman aside, take Jesus by the hand, and continue their trek back to his house. Jesus held her hand and her gaze as if she were the only person there."
Sheep for Surgery
When Ulan's nine-year-old sister needed her appendix out, you'd be surprised what his parents were required to do to ensure a successful surgery.
When Stories Speak
You might have heard this one. I had. And yet, it spoke again and drove its truths down deep.
Hold Fast the Rope
She'll make it to the end as long as she holds fast her rope.
A Tale of Two Hospitals
I sat in a hospital that was—well, let's just say it was different than the one I'd sat in almost two months prior.
The Decree
"And so the fool impelled his burly brawn / Toward wrangling in the sun." You can see where this is going.
Kept Back
This week, I'm still pondering.
The Fountain and the Dying Man
Where do you try to quench your thirst?
A Central Asian Birthday
We're all looking for something. We found it in a mud-brick house in the slums of a Central Asian capital.
At the Door
A hungry beggar looked and asked, "Might he to one so mean impart / Such life and with it hope endow?"