Our Story

There are a lot of disadvantages to a long-distance relationship. From the time I first took a serious interest in Laura to the time we were married, we only spent about 10 weeks together in person. We spent the rest of that two-year time period on different continents. We never really had a first date, unless Skype counts. We couldn't celebrate birthdays or holidays together. You miss so much of the person when all you experience of them is their words on a page.

In New Light

"If you were to let the tidal wave of divine love knock you over where you stand, releasing in the rushing water all your sin and regret and guilt and shame, assured that God sees all that is in you yet rejoices that his Son Jesus willingly stretched out his arms and bled and died in your place to make a way for you to come back home, then you'd finally be in the one and only position in which loving others in that same way is possible."

When God Falls Silent, Or So It Seems

"God may utter his words at a given time, but his words are unlike our words that slowly get dispersed as they reverberate through the air and eventually cease. When God speaks his words, they continue to resound into eternity future. Just as God exist in the eternal present, so do his words."

You Don’t Want This Story to Be True, and Here’s Why

You've heard the tale. In the beginning there was nothing. At some point, for some unknown reason—in fact, for no reason whatsoever—that nothing exploded with unimaginable force. Over the course of billions of years, the debris from that cataclysmic event formed the first subatomic particles, which combined to form the first atoms, which combined to … Continue reading You Don’t Want This Story to Be True, and Here’s Why

Moments of Revelation

The sun slid down a crystal sky like a water droplet on a west facing window. With a generosity unknown to mere mortals, it poured out its warm light over the valley as if that was its last chance to do so but with the confidence that tomorrow would dawn anew and that tomorrow its … Continue reading Moments of Revelation

He Thought He Knew

He thought he knew. He didn't. Ten years passed. They weathered tempestuous seas those years, But each strike only strengthened them. The tears Dripped liquid, hardened, formed a solid cast, An anchor sure to hold their hearts, outlast The wildest raging of the sea, though fears Still mock. The fog that concealed truth now clears. … Continue reading He Thought He Knew

What I Learned Playing Uno With a 12-Year-Old

I sat across a coffee table from a 12-year-old, staring at my hand of Uno cards. If only I had a blue card or an 8, but it was not meant to be. My cards looked like the Spanish flag, all reds and yellows. I drew. I don't remember the official rules, but we were … Continue reading What I Learned Playing Uno With a 12-Year-Old